What are descriptive words for Magic?
Here is a list of words that describe Magic:
- adumbrative
- apocalyptic
- apotropaic
- astral
- astrological
- attuned
- beatific
- blessed
- blissed-out
- cabalistic
- celestial
- Chaldean
- charmed
- chimerical
- dark
- deep
- devoid
- disembodied
- divine
- eerie
- elevated
- ethereal
- evanescent
- exalted
- existential
- extrasensory
- fatidic
- hagborn
- hermetic
- holy
- hypnotic
- imaginary
- incantatory
- integrated
- kabbalistic
- magic
- magical
- mantic
- mysterious
- mystic
- mystical
- numinous
- occult
- oneiric
- orphic
- pacific
- paranormal
- phylacteric
- powerful
- preternatural
- psychedelic
- psychic
- Pythian
- realized
- ritualistic
- sacred
- sensitive
- sibylline
- sorcerous
- spellbound
- stoicheiotical
- strong
- sublime
- supernal
- supernatural
- supersensible
- supreme
- surrealistic
- talismanic
- tantric
- telestically
- thaumaturgical
- touched
- transcendental
- tuned-in
- unbelievable
- uncanny
- unfamiliar
- unimaginable
- unreal
- vatic
- weird
- white
- witching
- wizardly
Magic words are listed in alphabetical order.
Total number of Magic words and adjectives: 85 words
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