How to Write Good Descriptive Articles?

When becoming a descriptive writer there are several things that must be considered. Whether you want to write fiction, a memoir, or poetry – the art of descriptive writing is centered around your ability to draw and engage readers with your words. Also known as “the art of painting in your reader’s mind’, this type of writing can also be one of the most difficult to master.

Descriptive articles are in high demand in the field of freelance writing. A good descriptive article is like a painting, it shows a moment in time, it takes the reader to a specific place or action. Any subject can lend itself to a descriptive article, starting with nature and beautiful scenery, to actions like a football game, or a dance show.

Good descriptive writers pay attention to the smallest detail and are able to make the reader feel like they are in the place described.

Best ways to write your descriptive article

To write a good descriptive article you need to engage all of your senses, you need to be a very careful observer, paying attention to the smallest detail. A first step should always be to take notes of your subject, writing down what you see, hear, feel, smell, and even taste in some cases. Later on you can use these notes when putting together the finished work on your article.

Look very carefully around you and make notes of answers to questions like who, what, where, when, how and why. Be specific in your descriptive writing. For example when describing the trees in the fall, instead of writing “The trees are beautiful in the autumn”, you may say: “With their smooth white bark, and bright yellow leaves the aspens are unlike any other tree I encountered.”

Descriptive Writer

You used your sense of touch (when noticing that the trees bark was smooth) along with the visual of the white bark and yellow leaves. You showed that it is autumn without telling, by pointing out that the leaves are yellow. Further, you would try to make note of the sounds in the forest, like the leaves rustling from a breeze, maybe birds singing, the dried leaves crunching under your feet, or smells that you may encounter, like the fresh smell of pines that are present around the aspens.

You may add your knowledge to these details, your memories and your imagination. Look for some action in your scene. Maybe you see a squirrel or even a deer. There is movement there, so make sure you add it, though even the wind blowing is action if you describe how it makes the leaves fall.

In descriptive writing, try to provide the reader with specifics relative to the story at hand. Fortunately, there’s no limit to the specific details you can incorporate into your descriptive style of writing. This means that a sagacious writer must be selective in their detail usage. Experts suggest too many details can impair the speed and overall flow of your writing.

Keeping your readers engaged

Another tip for developing successful descriptive writing techniques is to develop a vast and extensive understanding of ‘exciting’ language. In writing, you never want to continuously use the same adjectives. Develop a unique signature delivery style that will keep your readers on the edge of their seats. Keep in mind that people are easily distracted and bored. Due this fact, your writing must be infused with concrete details and sensory descriptions.

A common error in writing is the inability to accept constructive criticism. It is very common for writers to take constructive criticism personally. However, a true descriptive writer will always revise their writing when necessary. In fact, experts have said that getting a second opinion is a good idea and can help the writer in many ways.

Editing and proofing your article

When editing your article, you should find the most unusual aspect of the subject, and move that to the starting point. Then you should go through your details and only keep the best ones, disposing of the more usual, dull features. While a good number of minor details will add interest, too many of them may make the article hard to read and boring.

To make a lasting impression concentrate on the moment to moment specific details. A good metaphor or simile may add to it, but it is rarely necessary. Pay attention to the length of the sentences. Varying short and long sentences will make it flow naturally, and be more readable.

Clear and simple writing is always preferred to elaborate sentences, or big words that few people understand. Keeping all this in mind, you can write a good descriptive article.

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