What are descriptive words for Age and Aging?
Here is a list of words that describe Age and Aging:
- advanced in life
- advanced in years
- aged
- ancestral
- anicular
- anile
- annotinous
- annuated
- antiquated
- ayne
- declining
- decrepit
- doited
- effete
- eigne
- elder
- eldest
- epigonous
- extreme old
- firstborn
- firstling
- gerocomical
- good old
- gray
- gray-headed
- having one foot in the grave
- hoar
- hoary
- in years
- insenescible
- juvenescent
- marked with a crow’s foot
- marriageable
- matronly
- mature
- maturate
- mellow
- middle-aged
- no chicken
- of a certain age
- old
- old as Methuselah
- older
- oldest
- past one’s prime
- patriarchal
- quadragenarious
- reproductive
- ripe
- run to seed
- senescent
- senile
- senior
- Silurian
- stricken in years
- superannuated
- timeworn
- turned of
- underage
- venerable
- warning
- wrinkled
- years old
Age and Aging words are listed in alphabetical order.
Total number of words and adjectives for Age and Aging: 63 words
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Hello and thank you for the lists of words you have compiled and provided, I am very grateful.
In the category of Descriptive Words for Age and Aging, I would like to address the descriptor “no chicken” and offer “no spring chicken” instead of, or in addition to. It is a phrase that I have used many times, likely because I used to hear my Mother say it. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Kind regards,
Mel Fitts
Garland, TX
For your consideration, I would like to offer the following descriptive words for the category of Age and Aging:
– ancient – experienced in life
– geriatric – matriarchal
– silver haired – sunset of life
– waning – wise
Thank you,
Mel Fitts