What are descriptive words for Wind?
Here is a list of words that describe Wind:
- anabatic
- anfractuous
- anguilliform
- Arctic
- atmospheric
- autumnal
- blasting
- boisterous
- buckled
- circinate
- circling
- circuitous
- circumfluent
- circumforaneous
- coiled
- complicated
- contortuplicate
- convoluted
- crispate
- Daedalian
- dusty
- flexuous
- fresh
- frizzly
- helical
- indirect
- intricate
- involved
- labyrinthian
- labyrinthine
- mazelike
- mazy
- pampiniform
- peristaltic
- perplexed
- playful
- raveled
- rivulose
- roundabout
- serpentiform
- sharp
- sigmoidal
- sinuous
- snakelike
- snaky
- solar
- spiral
- spirated
- steady
- stellar
- stormy
- strong
- torquated
- tortile
- tortive
- tortuous
- turbinate
- turbinated
- turbulent
- turning
- twisted
- undated
- undulatory
- vermicular
- vermiform
- volute
- wavy
- whorled
- winding
- wreathy
- zigzag
Wind words are listed in alphabetical order.
Total number of Wind words and adjectives: 71 words
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